Monday, January 4, 2010

More proof of wonkiness

If you are afraid of OCD behavior, you might want to skip right past this post.

I've been tracking my reading for almost 20 years, journaling what books I've read and (usually) some thoughts about the book. Obviously this predates blogging, but my first blog was my book blog because it seemed like a purely natural, obvious thing to do.

Along with the journal, about 10 years ago I started a card-file. Yes, like a 'real' librarian, I have a catalog! The drawer will probably be full in the next year or so.

As I was writing up and filing the cards for last year today, it felt like all the authors I was searching the file for started with W. At the end, I counted up and there weren't that many, but it occurred to me that it might be sort of fun to track that number as I do random other things about my reading. Fun, and EASY!

So without further ado, the author count for my 2009 reading.
A - 2
B - 6
C - 6
D - 4
E - 3
F - 3
G - 3
H - 5
I - 0
J - 2
K - 7
L - 1
M - 7
N - 1
O - 1
P - 5
Q - 2
R - 3
S - 8
T - 3
U - 0
V - 1
W - 9
X - 0
Y - 0
Z - 0
(+2 titles without authors, only editors)
Clearly, W wasn't all that huge. Interestingly, I tripled the number of Q authors this year, though.

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