There's quite a LOT of stuff from Beast's dad's last illness and when he died, which is rather odd. I find these lists quite interesting, but maybe that's just me.11 -~- 15 -~- 15-degree -~- 2plus -~- 41 -~- 42 -~- 4:30 -~- 5:00 -~- 9:30 -~- adjuster -~- afters [as in dessert] -~- after-school -~- Ahh [oh, I get it!] -~- airside [of the airport] -~- AK -~- all-staff -~- appts -~- backfilled -~- baffrooms -~- barstooly -~- bartender/server -~- bartenders -~- beaters -~- bldg -~- bloodwork -~- brrrr -~- buzzard -~- caffeinated -~- caregiver -~- cataloged -~- catty [oh, I am SURE this is about my workplace!!] -~- cert -~- chugging -~- cking -~- Claddagh -~- clamshells [doubtless for leftovers at a restaurant] -~- classwork -~- clearish -~- clouding -~- Coleman's -~- coming-home -~- cooperates -~- corpulent [what the FUCK??] -~- crap -~- cream-colored -~- crummy -~- CSI -~- Dad's -~- def [so ghetto...not] -~- defrosting -~- deskwork -~- destinkyfying -~- detangled -~- dindin -~- distancing -~- Dixieland -~- doncha -~- Doritos [gosh, I haven't had Doritos in eons!] -~- driveways -~- earbud -~- early-to-bed -~- email -~- emoticons -~- end-of-month -~- enuf -~- er [as in WHAT?] -~- fact-finding -~- flurries -~- flurrying -~- freshening -~- Frigidaire [ah, the great washing-machine hunt...] -~- fuck -~- Fuddruckers [YUM!] -~- funny-looking -~- Gibbsmack -~- -~- hafta -~- haircuts -~- half-barrel -~- half-hearted -~- Hallo -~- haven't -~- headstones -~- Hmmmmmm -~- hosp -~- ibuprofen -~- in-hospital [as in in-country?] -~- Jay [which one of the several we know?] -~- JimmyJohns -~- job/work -~- Kourtney -~- layover -~- lexapro -~- Lind's -~- lovebirds -~- lvg [...on a jet plane...] -~- marshmallow -~- meatless -~- meebo -~- mesquite -~- midafternoon -~- midnite -~- mileage-wise -~- mother's -~- motorvated -~- mouth-breather [someone Beast came across on a business trip, I think/hope] -~- NEWSFLASH -~- niiice -~- noodling [a.k.a. thinking] -~- not-snow -~- o'dark-hundred -~- Okeydokey -~- one-bedroom -~- opp -~- otay -~- overstepping -~- Padres -~- Panera -~- PDQ -~- Phil's [who is Phil? Hmmm....] -~- pimpmobile -~- Pirro's -~- pix -~- post-lunch -~- precip -~- prilosec -~- P-ville -~- reals [as in for reals] -~- rebooting -~- refuel -~- resetting -~- resurfaced -~- retentive -~- reworked -~- roll-aboard -~- roombie [our little vacuuming buddy] -~- rouse-able -~- sammich [what the rest of the universe calls a sandwich] -~- schleep -~- scratchy -~- semi-coherent -~- shindig -~- shoehorning -~- shoulder-padsy [I wonder if the person who used this will recognize it...] -~- shoveled -~- sleeting -~- snoozing -~- snowblow -~- soonish -~- sooo -~- Sowwy [as in oops!] -~- Sparky -~- Ssssooooooo -~- steady-busy -~- Styx -~- sub-human -~- sucky -~- sumtin -~- super-nice -~- SUV -~- SW -~- ta [as in thx] -~- taxiing -~- teef [or, if you prefer, teeth] -~- telecon -~- that's -~- they're -~- thigh-dial [what happens a lot when Beast is driving] -~- Thurs -~- thx -~- ticketed -~- time-warped -~- to -~- tomorrow's -~- touristy -~- ttyl -~- txting -~- unfuckinreal -~- urself -~- vb [I have no idea, but apparently I use it a lot] -~- w/jess -~- W00t!!! -~- walkthru -~- Walmart -~- weather-related -~- wevs [hate the flippancy of this word!] -~- whadda -~- wimped -~- windchill -~- wld -~- world-champion -~- XM -~- Yay!!!
#991 Really, really old Tupperware
21 hours ago
3 thing(s) to say:
The adverbs are awesome - "barstooly" and "shoulder-padsy" made me snort loudly!
My dear friend, those are YOUR words!! :P
Yeah, after I left the comment I was doing that, "huh. familiar." thing. Derrr! :)
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