9:10 No blowers = silence in the workroom. I can hear just how loud I type now
9:15 I warn Miss M that I may not make it all day--I'm well past tired today, for no particularly good reason
9:35 Book I'm cataloging right now: I'd listen to my parents if they'd just shut up : what to say and not say when parenting teens
9:45 Why did we get three copies of Betty Bunny...? No clue: we only ordered one. Clearly the picker-machine expected a fatter book
10:15 One shelf of books cataloged
10:30 Rick Riordan books are in J but audiobooks are in YA ... because the former children's librarian moved the books but never got around to the audiobooks
10:50 One new nonfiction order added to the catalog and our On Order list. In the process of downloading the files, I end up knocking someone else off B&T three times. :-P
12:45 Done with lunch (Taco Bell, yum!), wondering what to do for 10 minutes before I go for my two-hour stint in the children's room
12:55 Book Clubber brings me a bunch of weird-record books to clean up. Oddly, two of them were fine when I checked what she said was wrong, but her one note is awesome: "alien language hijacked record :)" -- the title read How 246 0 {226 Tía Lola Saved the Summer
1:00 As a result of those notes from B.C., I start my time in the children's room by repairing and updating all the Erin Hunter series books. There are 10 "legal" series by that author, some of which are series-within-series
2:00 Finally done! Had several reference questions during the course of things, but still...this was (is?) a mess, and I didn't even get into the manga series!
2:09 The sun comes out! For about 11 minutes...
2:40 There are two brothers and a mom who just left who have been very entertaining to watch. The little guy is ADORABLE, and the older boy is a sweetie. Mom looks tired ;-)
3:25 Right, ok, I'm so freakin' tired I'm going home for a nap
#988 The Gas Arrow
14 hours ago
2 thing(s) to say:
this is an adorable post. thanks.
Glad you enjoyed! :-)
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