I am slowly catching up on all the saved DVR'd shows. Today I finished the second season of
The Bridge, binging through the last four episodes from last September. It's a hard show to watch, and not just because it's in English and Spanish. It's also dark--both night-time dark and
noiry dark--and depressing and full of death and cynicism. But it's endlessly rewarding in small ways. How often do you get to watch a show where you hate
and giggle at a desperately evil and murderous drug dealer who calls everyone he meets "cabrón" including one of his female cohorts, who is, of course, a "cabrona." And, boy, is she ever!
Anyway, I now have a rather large crush on both of the lead characters:
Sonya Cross (Diane Kruger) |
Marco Ruiz (Demian Bichir) |
They are complicated and fascinating, and beyond irritating.
Tomorrow, or maybe Friday, Beast and I will be finishing
Outlander. Yes, he's watching it with me. Yay.
I've also got Season One of
China Beach that I retrieved from work before I went on leave last week.
We went to church for dinner tonight. I'm exhausted from that excursion.
2 thing(s) to say:
The Bridge is absolutely worth talking about. Many layers there.
Church for dinner sounds like a lot of food for thought. (ba dum bump?)
I started watching The Bridge. I can't remember why I stopped. I'll have to see if I can catch it On Demand. Like Amy said, it's a great show, worth talking about. Glad you're feeling well enough to be out and about.
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